Waltikka Tournament 2015 for U-2001 held in Valkeakoski

Jaa tämä juttu!

Ondino Viera has said :” Other countires have their history, Uruguay has football”. Which translates into Finnish :” Other cities have their history, Valkeakoski has football”.

Waltikka-tournament for U-2001 was played 4-6 September in Valkeakoski, Finland for the second time. We hope the tournament allures also foreign teams in future, but this year only Finnish teams participated. For the coming years we welcome all interested teams to participate, special heartily welcoming foreign teams.

Waltikka tournament offers excellent facilities: 2 natural grass and 2 artificial grass fields. Main events plyed at FIFA 2-star certified Tehtaan-kenttä, hosting normally city’s no.1 team FC HAKA playing 2nd highest level in Finland. It’s claimed to be the most beautiful stadium in the whole Finland – look at the photos and judge yourself.

All the fields are walking distance (0,5..2km) from city center, as well as accommodation, lunch and dinners, managed by scenic Hotel Waltikka at banks of the canal combining the two major lakes passing thru the center of the city.

Birds eye view of Waltikka and Valkeakoski City Center
Birds eye view of one of fields, Hotel Waltikka and Valkeakoski City Center

This year, as typically in early September, the event was blessed with nice weather. Fields were in good condition, morning mist and afternoon sun shine making the conditions perfect all around the day.

There were 11 teams participating, the odd number due to last minute cancelling. All organization and events were successfully performed. Three referees per match were well organized by Valkeakoski Referee Club. Only one accident required involvement by Valkeakoski Hospital, but proved to be not severe. Excellent documentation by photographing was carried thru out the tournament by Mr. Kari Luukkonen, graciously making all event photos available for all teams in http://waltikka.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Tapahtumia+-+Events/Waltikka+-turnaus+4.-6.9.2015/. Have a look and you see how a moment can be captured!

Heat of the moment
Heat of the moment

This year the champion is FC Ilves, from Tampere. They took the no.1 trophy for the second time in a row. FC HAKA, from Valkeakoski, was in the finals and became second. The 3rd team was MasKi, Masalan kisa from Kirkkonummi, Greater Helsinki area.

No holding back.
No holding back.

In the A.D. 2015 the participating teams in addition to a.m. and in order of the results were:

GrIFK, Grankulla IddrottsFöreningen Kamraterna, Kauniainen, Greater-Helsinki area

JJK, Jyväskylän JalkapalloKerho, Jyväskylä, Central-Finland

TKT, Tampereen KisaToverit, Tampere, South-Finland

FC Jazz, Pori, West-Coast-Finland

SiPS, Siilinjärven PalloSeura, Kuopio-area, East-Finland

GBK, Gamlakarleby BollKlub, Kokkola West-Coast Finland

HAKA mustat, 2nd Valkeakoski team

HPS, Hämeenlinnan PalloSeura, Hämeenlinna , South-Finland


All tournament statistics can be found in FC HAKA Junior’s website:

  1. accommodation :https://www.fchakajuniorit.fi/waltikka-turnaus-4-6-9/turnausmajoitus-ja-ruokailu/
  2. match program and results: https://www.fchakajuniorit.fi/waltikka-turnaus-4-6-9/otteluohjelma/
  3. group positions and goal scorer statistics: https://www.fchakajuniorit.fi/waltikka-turnaus-4-6-9/lohkotaulukot-ja-maalintekijat/
  4. map of event places: https://www.fchakajuniorit.fi/waltikka-turnaus-4-6-9/kartta/
  5. clubs and player lists: https://www.fchakajuniorit.fi/waltikka-turnaus-4-6-9/pelaajalistat/

Last but not least great many thanks for home club FC HAKA Juniors and it’s Excecutive Manager Mikko Hatakka together with his back-up team for organizing the whole event. Quite many teams have announced their interest to participate again 2016. We, FC HAKA Juniors U-2001, hope to continue next year the hunt for the Trophy. The challenge is thrown…


pro FC HAKA Juniors/

Jussi Ahola

Team Manager

FC HAKA JUNIORS YJ1 – U14 (2001)

